July 27, 2024
  • 1:56 pm Canadian Economy Increasingly Depends on Immigrants
  • 9:30 am Top 10 Towns for Retirees to Live in Canada
  • 4:07 pm Why Montreal and Toronto Are Great Canadian Cities
  • 7:52 am Several Suggestions for Improving Canadian Immigration
  • 3:17 pm Canada Is Among the Safest Countries in the World
BecomeACanadian - Canmore, Alberta

With its natural beauty, low population density, and high-quality healthcare, Canada is an attractive place for retirees. And while Canadian winters are known for being quite cold, there are many coastal regions with surprisingly mild climates for seniors. Contact Become A Canadian, which works with authorized immigration consultants with extensive experience who are ready to […]

BecomeACanadian - Alcohol Sales

Statistics Canada published information about alcohol sales in Canada in 2019/2020. From the infographic below, we can learn that beer remains the favorite drink, but cider, coolers and gin sales have more than doubled in the past ten years. The BecomeACanadian team of immigration experts is dedicated to helping people just like you to achieve […]

BecomeACanadian - Gender Equality

A survey made by SSPPS (Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces) and published by Statistics Canada revealed: the majority of women and men in Canada believe that people should be able to express their gender however they choose (85% of women and 78% of men). In addition, the majority think that same-sex and […]


There are two new Canadian immigration streams opening for those who worked on the front lines of the global pandemic in 2020.  The Canadian government announced the program for “guardian angels” working in the health sector. The two streams will be for those who live in Quebec and one for those who live elsewhere in […]


The Canadian economy is thriving thanks to many immigrants. It allows the population to live in excellent living conditions through affordable prices for everyone. The following data shows the basic consumer goods in Canadian dollars (CAD): Bread (500g) – 2.75$ Water (0.33L) – 2.5$ Milk (1L) – 3.00$ Cappuccino (reg) – 4.75$ Gas (1L) – […]