September 12, 2024
  • 2:16 pm Canadians Celebrate Canada Day National Holiday
  • 1:56 pm Canadian Economy Increasingly Depends on Immigrants
  • 9:30 am Top 10 Towns for Retirees to Live in Canada
  • 4:07 pm Why Montreal and Toronto Are Great Canadian Cities
  • 7:52 am Several Suggestions for Improving Canadian Immigration

According to a report by the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), high levels of immigration are helping to mitigate the economic impact of Canada’s aging population, although they have exacerbated challenges related to housing affordability. Every year, Become A Canadian provides guidance, through authorized immigration consultants that it works with, to many people worldwide. If […]

BecomeACanadian - Renting

Whether you are a new immigrant or an old immigrant, housing will always be an important part of your financial decisions. According to Become A Canadian, navigating the Canadian real estate market might be daunting, especially if it differs significantly from that of your home country. There are different types of housing properties in Canada. […]

BecomeACanadian - Fun Facts

Did you know Canada Is the second-largest country in the world? pretty impressive! Canada also has the world’s largest coastline and the world’s longest street – Yonge street – which is a mind-blowing 35 miles long (56 km).”The Great White North” is filled with exciting wildlife, among the animals you can spot are polar bears, […]


With gas prices at a record high, close to home adventures are looking more desirable than driving across country. There are several places to visit within a short distance of Ottawa where you and your family can see the sights and learn the culture. Priest’s Mill Arts Center in Alexandria is a studio and exhibition […]

BecomeACanadian - Workspace

According to Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey shows that Canada’s employment rose by 1.6% in March, following a 1.4% increase in February. The graph shows that the level of employment is the highest since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis.  Do you want to live in Canada? Contact BecomeACanadian. Source: Statistics Canada


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Two months ago, Cyndi Whaley packed her family up and left Toronto and relocated to Victoria. Although Toronto had more job opportunities in the field of environmental science, which she is involved in, the red-hot housing market made it almost impossible for housing to be affordable. Whaley and her husband, Vince Piette, tried two times […]


Canada’s Top Employers for Young People evaluated employers, based on initiatives and programs offered to attract and retain younger employees.


Online research firm Statista conducted a survey of 8,000 Canadians employed by large firms and institutions with 500 or more employees, across 25 industry sectors.


John McCallum, Canadian Minister of Immigration, met with government officials in China due to their desire to set up more Canadian visa offices in China. The Chinese officials are looking for innovative ways to have more skilled workers in China get approved for immigration to Canada.